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By the way ladies, this book will be 99 cents on Amazon.com Starting February the 4th!! Get your copy! Guys too, if you would like to see what I’m talking about..(hehehe)

Straight, no chaser, from my guide the Man cave.

Don’t Pull Out All Of Your Cards

Men always try to impress a woman; we love to be smitten by the effort that’s put forth. But however, we can also be turned off by his egoistic ego. Ladies don’t you hate a desperate ass man? If you don’t, I sure as hell do. Some will be broke down or desperate men. And others are well to do, stuck on themselves kinda men. There aint no grey area, either they broke down or they aint. But they all think they’re hot shit.

Men can lay it on thick when they approach you in hopes of gaining a new lady friend in their life… Sometimes too thick. Some men are so anxious until they are willing to give up too much information about themselves way too fast. When I say way too fast, I mean as soon as you meet them they go into their whole life story. They go from zero to one hundred in nano seconds.

The moral to this snippet is, guys, don’t act so desperate. If she’s digging you, then she’ll give yo’ ass a chance. There’s no need to smother her with your attic’s. Sit back chill and allow her to conform to you.